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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  December 21, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EST

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good evening. i'm dr. sanjay gupta filling in for anderson cooper. a how-to book for pedophiles. we led the with way trying to hold amazon accountable for selling it now the book is gone and the author is in jail. "keeping them honest." as disgusting as this book may
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be is it protected by the first amendment? and if the author lives in colorado how can the state of florida have him arrested? we'll ask the sheriff who had him busted and our senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. also tonight, promises promises. has keeping them and passing legislation he said he would turned around president obama's chances for 2012? even if not everyone likes what he's accomplished? you'll hear from both sides. you decide for yourself. and michael vick, he wants a dog. now, he did time for breeding, torturing and fighting them. now he says he wants to show people he genuinely cares. is this like giving matches to an arsonist or a legitimate way to rehabilitate someone? you might be surprised that what some advocates for animals say about this. we begin as we always do, "keeping them honest." tonight, the author who advocates pedophilia is in jail. phillip greaves ii arrested at his home today in pueblo, colorado. deputies crossed the country to bust him and the charge? obscenity. they say he sold them a copy,
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purportedly his last copy, and autographed one of this book called "the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure: a child-lover's code of conduct." got to tell you the title alone is chilling. the author telling abc news he was trying to stir up controversy and sales. not much doubt he also truly believes what he's selling. listen to his defense of pedophiles. >> every time you see them on television they're either murderers, rapist or kidnappers and that's just not an accurate presentation of that particular sexuality. to tell you the truth, i don't think that it's always bad for the child. okay? but i do think it's always confining for the adult because there are so many more things that adults can enjoy between each other than they can enjoy with a child without hurting the child. >> kissing, fondling, that sort of thing, i don't think is that serious of a problem. >> not that serious of a problem? not always bad for the child? phillips greaves talking about his book and here's some
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passages from it. but i'll warn you, they are disturbing. >> pedophiles feel great affection for their young partners and do everything possible to avoid causing them any pain. or this -- they are concerned for the well-being and pleasure of their little friends, always putting the juvenile's pleasure and happiness first. and -- if both partners are disease-free, then it is unnecessary for either to take any preventive measures during sex or to be concerned regarding any bodily fluids or their exchange. those are passages from a "the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure: a child-lover's code of conduct" which he self-published and sold on amazon, even though amazon has a policy against selling pornography or what it calls extremely disturbing materials. we've been on front with this story trying to get answers from amazon. we begin as always, "keeping them honest." with a story that may stun you., the biggest online retailer in the world, is selling a guide for pedophiles. right now an e-book on for kindle, in essence, profiting from pedophilia. profiting from pedophilia,
2:06 am, after our report last night they pulled the guide for pedophiles that they were pedalling but today, they were still selling other pro pedophile books and they're ducking our calls for answers. tonight, "pedalling pedophilia" the nation's largest online retailer. amazon is slowly taking down more disgusting material for sale on its site. not just books but videos. why is it taking them so long and how did this stuff get on their site in the first place? we're "keeping them honest." >> we tried. especially to get someone from amazon to talk to us. dozens of unreturned calls and messages later sent our seattle reporter, patrick oppmann to amazon headquarters. >> i'm looking for >> this is it. >> i'm with cnn.
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>> we're not allowed to have media here. >> i'm in the lobby of the headquarters in seattle. it's been about an hour. i got here they wouldn't let me pass security but they sent up my business card to the media relation's department. i haven't heard any word back and i'll check again before i but i've been waiting for someone to come down and talk to us. >> it's been about an hour. is there a way to check with them again to see if, you know, they'll talk to me or not? >> this is my boss. the only thing i can do. >> that was last month what you saw. but tonight, the book is no longer available and the author is in jail. the "keeping them honest" is not the end of the story by any stretch. there are at least two reasons why. first of all, as revolting as phillip greaves title and subject matter may be to most people it may not violate federal law which defines child pornography of a visual depiction of a minor engaging in obscene behavior. pedophile behavior. words, no pictures. the other is the florida statute phillip greaves is being charged with violating which is all-encompassing and covers
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this -- any person who knowingly sells, lends, gives away, distributes, transmits, shows or transmutes or offers to sell, lend, give away, distribute, transmit, show or transmute, lewd and obscene material. the law also covers anyone who prepares such materials for or who knowingly writes, prints, publishes or users or causes to be written, printed, published or uttered any advertisement or notice of any kind giving information. directly or indirectly stating or purporting to state where, how or whom or by what means any or what purports to be any such material, matter, article or thing of any such character can be purchased, obtained or had. i don't know how lawyers do it. a mouthful. very specific and comprehensive but here's the question, why we read it. could it trample on free, albeit offensive speech? this is jeffrey toobin and the sheriff from polk county, florida. thank you so much. sheriff -- >> my honor to be here. >> thank you, sir. you were in charge of what was
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essentially an undercover operation that led to greaves' arrest. you're in florida. how did your office get involved in the first place? he lives in colorado and has no real connection to the state of the florida. >> we watched anderson cooper on cnn and other national broadcasts and people ringing their hands saying there's nothing we can do. free speech, free speech. this has nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with obscenity. we had a law in florida that applied we only needed jurisdiction. we consulted our state attorney's office, brad copaly and our state attorney, jerry hill. they said if you can get jurisdiction, bring us a case. my detectives did a fantastic job and that's what we did. we took them an autographed book that phillip sent to us. that gave us jurisdiction. a circuit judge gave us a warrant and the rest is history. he's in jail. >> now, police in colorado just to be clear, sheriff, did investigate greaves last month after the story came out but
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found that he wasn't violating colorado law. how does that work? is it because the internet and its impact on the entire world? >> well, the internet has made everything a local event. and what our law says is that you can't set in colorado, and violate florida law any more than you can sit in florida and violate florida law. when he transmitted, sold or delivered that book to us, and in polk county, florida, he violated florida law and that's why we were able to put him in jail and the pueblo police were fantastic in assisting us in this investigation. >> let me bring in jeffrey toobin. i alluded to this. what about the first amendment here? this is the distasteful. i have three daughters. jeff you have kids. it's terrible distasteful stuff. could greaves still claim protection under freedom of speech? >> you're certainly right that it's repulsive and awful. i don't think they can go forward because i think the book is clearly protected by the
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amendment. the supreme court dealt with a situation similar to this in 2002 where a federal law said any sort of depiction of child pornography including cartoons are unlawful. and the supreme court said that was unconstitutional because the only kind of kiddy porn that can be prohibited is actual depictions of actual sex involving children. and this book, as awful as it is, is only words, as you said. it is mostly two fictional stories about pedophilia and that, i think, is a statement of opinion. it is a statement of a kind of art. and it is not constitutional to arrest him for engaging in that kind of speech. >> let me ask about one more thing that's come up, jeff. you heard the story from the sheriff there, undercover detectives were involved and solicited the materials from greaves and brought him back to florida.
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could any of this in any way be considered entrapment? >> i don't think so. i think this is clearly a legitimate law enforcement investigation. and if, for example, greaves had mailed to the detectives actual photographs of children having sex, i think this prosecution would be more than justified. but -- i don't think there's any problem with what the detectives did. i think this law is too broad under the first amendment. and i think it brings in material distasteful though it is, that is protected under our constitution. >> sheriff judd, there's a lot of distasteful material out there and i was going to the today, "diary of a pedophile" lots of books that people could be concerned about based on what you're saying. what do you do about books like that? how does this stay consistent in your own mind? >> well, it's consistent with us because he mailed this book to us. it was a how-to book of how to
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sexually abuse children. and it was a depiction in writing. therefore, it's clearly a vice -- violation of florida law. and quite frankly, the problem is, as our attorney just said, there's too much hand-ringing across the nation. when we can't stand together as a nation and say you can't write a book and depict realtime stories, real stories of children being sexually abused, then it's time to change the law. because you can not sexually abuse children and write about it in a book. that's illegal and that's why he's in jail. >> jeff, it wasn't a fiction book. there was at least a couple of real-life accounts, jeff. >> but, still, it's words, it's stories as the sheriff said. and stories are not illegal in this country. you know, the reason we have kiddy porn laws is because the very act of taking a photograph
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of a children engaged in sex is a crime. because a crime is taking place. you need a crime to take a picture of it for children's pornography. this is just words. we have no way of knowing whether anything in this book is true. we don't have police investigate whether stories that people write in books are true. as awful as this is, the core of the first amendment is about protection of speech that, even though many of us, certainly including me -- find it repulsive. >> i think no one is disagreeing how repugnant the material is. the question though, you're saying law should be changed? obviously jeff you're talking about the fact it seems to be protected to some extent under freedom of speech? >> well it's absolutely not protected under florida law. you don't have to have a photograph. and, you know, our lawyer friend is still calling it kitty porn. that is offensive to all the
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children that are victims of child sex in this country. it is real children being really abused and he's telling a story about it and it's harmful to minors and clearly a violation of florida law. and quite frankly that's what we had the appellate courts for. i can tell you this. if you mail materials to polk county that are injurous to our children, or encouraging them others to commit crimes against our children, sexual crimes, we're going to investigate you and arrest you. and i believe i can take this case to any jury in any state in this nation and clearly convict phillip because his conduct is outrageous and it is according to florida law. >> sanjay, if i can jump in. certainly the sheriff and i disagree about the constitutional issue but i agree with him that the issue of child
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pornography, what i called kitty porn is a very serious one and i'm certainly glad that law enforcement is taking an active stand against it. >> all right. sheriff grady judd and jeffrey toobin, in case you're curious, 300 copies of the book was sold. certainly not a best seller. let us know what you think. up next, they're comparing him to jimmy carter and now they're comparing him to austin powers. does president obama have his mojo back? and two people who disagree on his accomplishments, perhaps his outlook as well. and later, the water you drink and the dangerous chemicals that could be in it. big question, does dangerous mean deadly? we have answers just ahead. some people think allstate only protects your car. here's the truth. allstate can also protect your home or apartment, as well as your boat, motorcycle, rv, and snowmobile, and even your retirement and your life.
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as a doctor i know what vital signs look like and what it looks like when they're slipping. the political pathologist who had all but done the autopsy on barack obama's presidency they're doing a 180. the president now has a 40% approval rating creeping up for some months but lower than president clinton and both president bushes at this time in their presidencies but higher than ronald reagan who was also
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president over a weak economy at the time. but even as mr. obama's job approval numbers were bottoming out and then slowly climbing the prognosis in washington seemed grim. >> president barack obama is a one-term president. >> vice president cheney said he considers president obama a one-term president. do you agree with that? >> it's purgatory for the president. >> you keep saying that barack obama is a one-term president. >> our big question this week with barack obama's poll numbers bouncing around below 50, is he vulnerable to a challenge in 2012 from within the democratic party? >> jimmy carter was a one-term president. how worried are you right now, if you are worried, that barack obama will be a one-term president? >> that's wolf blitzer reporting in october. a month later, an anchor on another network wondered if the president lost his mojo along with the mid-term elections. a pair of democratic pollsters writing, quote, to be a great president obama should not seek re-election in 2012. then came the tax deal and then
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came "dont ask, don't tell." in addition to early legislate victories as well. the pundits it seems started to notice and then the patient came back to life. headlines, like the comeback kid. president obama's incredible comeback, has barack obama found his mojo? >> the hot story in washington right now that everyone's writing is that barack obama, after the shellacking he took, got his mojo back. >> charles crown hammer called president obama this week "the new comeback kid." >> this big question, is president obama on the comeback trail? >> they're calling president obama the "comeback did." how big of a victory was this? >> pretty fast. the re-election was supposed to be a repudiation of the president and now five weeks later he's coming back already. >> so one day you're dog food and the next day you're top dog? if you're wondering how washington can be so fickle so are we. we also couldn't help but wonder if mr. obama is getting credit
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in some corners, at least for all the heavy lifting he's been doing since day one. you can agree or disagree with policies but the fact is, from getting detroit in and out of bankruptcy to passing "dont ask, don't tell" he's now put together a pretty long record of keeping campaign promises. joining us now to talk about paul begala and eric anderson. paul, i'm start with you, you know something about the term "comeback kid?" >> president clinton graciously in his memoir gave me a credit for writing that so i should get royalties. >> but you would probably be surprised about the conservative columnist calling president obama the comeback kid for what he's accomplished especially during this lame-duck session of congress. you worked closely with bill clinton. what do you think of the comparison? >> i think that the vital signs, dr. gupta, are not political polls. i'm not sure what a minor medical number might be, but that's what this is.
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the vital signs here are jobs. can he create more jobs? we don't have enough jobs being created in his presidency. i think he's doing all he can and i agree with his economic theory but the reality is, we need more jobs. the other one is income which usually go as long with jobs. if he can move the needle, bill clinton set the economic policy that got 3 million jobs and then the rich got better and the poor got better. those are two things he needs to do. move the needle on jobs and raise incomes and all this punditry is a contributing to global warming as far as i'm concerned. >> eric, you -- you just heard the comments made by lots of people that shellacking that president obama took. no argument that getting "dont ask, don't tell" repealed is a huge victory for the president. roughly 70% of the country supported him on that. what do you think about these last couple of months? are you surprised what's happened since mid term election? >> not at all. this new story is exactly what's
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wrong with washington and the way politics is covered. events change things. i could have told you the day after the election that within a month or two we would start hearing positive stories about the president's agenda. he's another news flash. is sometime in 2012 we'll hear ominous stories about in-fighting within the obama administration and the campaign, which may or may not turn around by november of 2012. this is a political cycle and it's ridiculous that reporters and pundits in washington get wrapped up in the day-to-day intrigue as opposed to looking at the big picture and the long term. the man has two more years into. >> amazing how the pendulum that just keeps swinging. but the "dont ask, don't tell," how much good will does it get president obama with his liberal base? this comes on the heels of the tax deal which seemingly they were not very happy about. >> that's right. it's an enormous accomplishment i know from sources in the white house. the president personally lobbies on this in the most effective way. he didn't make a big public statement about it.
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he called wavering senators and asked for them help and then at the same time he sent political operatives into maine where there's two republican senators that supported it and tried to get some public support. i'd say not only do i not like the tax deal but passing it was not a very impressive accomplishment. i don't mean to diminish the president or bill but cutting taxes and raising spending in washington, george w. bush could pass that and i'm not confusing him with a great president. so i don't think that. the next thing if he needs to do, so i can give him free advice because i know he watches every night, take on the people who are trying to kill the 9/11 first responders health care act. it has bipartisan support in the congress but there's enough republicans in the senate who are trying to kill it. that's where he needs a public campaign. that's where he needs to stand up and speak with the moral indignation that the country feels when they see first responders being denied the health care they deserve. there's a bigger issue, sanjay. >> that is, there's a lot of
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talk among the pundits about the president getting an attack from the democratic base and 2012. that's not going to happen. but i'll say that if guantanamo bay is opened in 2012 and we still have a lot of troops in afghanistan in 2012 we'll have this conversation again with a lot of democratic activists who aren't going to care about the tax deal. it will be forgotten by then and it will go back to the same issues of 2008. it won't kill him but it will be a distraction in 2012 like it was in 2009 and early 2010. >> you actually think -- you mentioned that you think senate majority leader harry reid deserves most of the credit of what's been accomplished so far? >> in the past week, harry reid maneuvering on the senate floor to get things done republicans were convinced couldn't get done shows that he really is a master of the senate rules and gets things done. the president gets the credit because he's the president. there's 100 senators but you can't dispute how effective harry reid has been this year much to the chagrin, frankly, of people on the right and the
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left. >> i agree with eric on that. that's true. the guy has been -- >> so much agreement going on. >> they need to build a statute of him. what he's gotten done after a tough re-election, the guy should be taking a vacation instead of doing all this work but god bless him. >> guys, happy holidays. >> merry christmas. ahead, the dangers that could be in your tap. on top for you in the water you drink in your own home. new findings and what you can do to stay safe. lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. through frid at sears!
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late news from washington. the transportation department says that toyota has agreed to pay an additional $32.4 million in civil penalties having to do with two separate investigations into how it handled auto recalls involving accelerator pedals and loss of steering control. counterterror police in britain arrested a dozen men today in a large-scale operation involving raids in four cities. the suspects ages reportedly range from 17 to 28. officials have been identified a possible target but said the arrests were made to ensure public safety. severe winter weather including heavy snow has stranded hundreds of thousands of travelers across europe. thousands of flights have been cancelled across the continent. london's heathrow airport re-opened today but officials said passengers should expect delays and cancellations beyond christmas. a new study by a watch dog group has found the cancer
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causing chemical, chromium 6 in tap water samples across the country, samples from 31 u.s. cities tested positive. this is the same chemical that erin brockovich exposed in the town of hinkly, california. more than a decade ago. sanjay i know you followed this story. what happens when we do ingest this chromium 6? >> i'll give you a background. there's about 80,000 chemicals that we're surrounded with at any given time and only 200 have been tested and only five have been banned. this is one of those five that have been banned. chromium 6. it's listed as a potential carcinogen and the concern is about stomach cancer which came up in that movie about erin brockovich as well so it's a potential cancer-causing agent banned yet, still as you just said, shows up in people's drinking water. >> hearing that i'm no expert but it seems obvious to me this should not be in our drinking water. what is the epa doing about this, if anything? >> the epa has a standard for
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total chromium in the water and the issue is the environmental working group their standard is more conservative and say it's based on newer science. we looked into it and the epa says reviewing the new science, the standard could change. keep in mind, some of these things are naturally-occurring substances and then break down into some of these potentially cancer-causing agents so it can be tricky to measure and also to regulate. stick around. we have tonight's shot. a last from tvs primetime past with a christmas tiein. we thought it was appropriate. remember the program "beverly hills 90210?" the soap opera story lines and good-looking young actors. >> were you in it? >> a lot of good looking people in that show. >> i watched it. now a video called "200 christmass in two minutes." take a listen. >> christmas. >> christmas.
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>> christmas. >> christmas. >> christmas, christmas, christmas. >> christmas. >> christmas. >> christmas. >> christmas. >> christmas, christmas, christmas. >> it goes on and on, 200 in two minutes. >> you're not making me watch all of them are you? >> no. i don't think so. you and i are both working this holiday week. >> sure, it's very festive. i remember all the characters. i watched the show all the time. i admit it. big fan. luke perry. >> i heard it was a good show. >> it was. >> i'm sure you can find reruns, sanjay. >> i can. up next, more fallout over philadelphia eagle michael vick's desire to own another dog some day. vick was convicted of running a dog-fighting ring in virginia in 2007. today he finds support in some pretty surprising circles. support some call outrageous. verizon 4glte.
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we have a "ac 360" follow-up on a story from last week. michael vick would some day like to own a dog and he's getting support from a group that may surprise some people. vick was a star quarterback for the philadelphia eagles but in 2007, he was temporarily suspended from the nfl after pleading guilty to running a dog-fighting operation in virginia. he served more than a year and a half in federal prison and we leads in may of 2009. as part of his conviction, vick is not allowed to own a animal until his probation ends in 2012.
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some, including the animal rights group, peta, think vick should never be allowed to own a pet. this is what he said last week. >> i would love to have another dog in the future. i think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process. i think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that i genuinely care. >> when he got out of prison vick began working with the humane society of the united states and now speaks to children about the cruelty of dog fighting. the president of the humane society says while now is not the time for vick to own a dog he said it shouldn't be ruled out in the future. when we first covered the story a lot of viewers wrote in to say they, too, believe vick should be allowed to have a dog at some point. thanks, wayne, for coming in. >> thank you, sanjay. >> you've been very involved with this from the beginning urging state and federal authorities to prosecute michael vick and you talked specifically about this at the time that he was found to be dog fighting.
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you urged the atlanta falcons to drop him and the nfl to suspend him. why do you support him now? >> well, like you said, sanjay, what he did was terrible. he needed to face the consequences of this awful crime. bad news kennels he and other individuals were involved in this illegal and vicious and barbaric dog fighting ring and he served his time and at the end of the time, nearly two years with his time at leavenworth and then home confinement, he said he wanted to help us with the larger dog fighting problem. i was skeptical but i thought about it and i said, what's the biggest problem we face? it's street fighting. young kids, like michael vick when he start when he was 7 or 8 years old dog fighting in newport news, getting pit bulls for the wrong reasons and squaring them up in alleys and abandoned buildings and fighting them so we said to vick -- we'll work with you if you put boots on the ground and speak to thousands of kids in communities across the country to warn them away from this horrible problem of dog fighting.
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he's met ever everything asked. every quest. he's done two events a month and he's been doing a very good job. >> you run the organization. has this been a unanimous feeling in your organization? i imagine it's controversial? >> absolutely. i understand all the people who are upset about michael vick and who really can't get the images out of their mind. i understand that. but endlessly flogging michael vick is not going to save one more dog. even during the conviction proceedings, i felt it was important to pivot away from the vick case to a degree. we wanted to make sure he was successfully prosecuted but we also wanted to look at the larger issue. michael vick was just one of thousands of people involved in dog fighting and there are tens of thousands today. the key is for us to reach these kids before they get into the activity and to, of course, strengthen the laws and have good law enforcement. but you've got to have a mix of prevention and prosecution and
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that's what we're doing and vick's role in speaking to kids in newark and philadelphia and washington and baltimore, we just spoke to 2,000 kids in new haven, these kids are listening. he's a celebrity. he has a cautionary tale and it's an important message that they must hear and that's the message that i've really been promoting with michael vick. >> i got to ask you about this ad in "the new york times" today. i know this is probably something you're not thrilled by and to be fair, it's -- it was organized by this organization called humane watch, a group tied to rick berman, the controversial figure and i've been following it. he's fought unions and mother's against drunk driving and peta. he says maybe trans fats aren't that bad and tanning beds aren't that bad. he's a controversial figure as well but the ad said the humane society accepted $50,000 in donations from the philadelphia eagles and implies the donation is the reason you now support michael vick. how do you respond to that? >> sanjay, you've got rick berman just right. he takes up any cause that is unpopular.
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and he goes after mothers against drunk driving, the humane society. even after the centers for disease control. let's look at the timeline. the humane society and me, we started working with vick very soon after his home confinement period ended. the eagles' then acquired him after i started working with him, after we did an entire "60 minutes" program on our outreach so the fact the philadelphia eagles provided some modest support for an antidog fighting program in philadelphia does nothing to compromise a position that was already established before vick was acquired by the eagles. >> it will be interesting to see and how long it takes. i know you're not a psychologist but the idea of when he gets a dog is something we may want to talk to you about again. happy holidays. same to you.
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a man in a rhode island jail awaiting sentencing for crimes he got away with for years in haiti and his victims were among the country's most vulnerable. orphans living on the streets. the man in jail targeted these children while living a double life in plain sight. i need to warn you, the abuse you're about to hear described is graphic and disturbing.
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>> reporter: when doug arrived in the 1990s to work with homeless street kids he seemed like a savior. he built a school where boys could be safe. he it became known as the village, a place where boys who had nothing could come to learn, eat, sleep and play. john charles came to the village when he was 12 years old. >> he opened up the gates to the village and it was like this paradise. no garbage in the village. there were buildings not in complete disrepair. and it seemed like an oasis in the middle of a desert. >> pearlitz raised a lot of money and was beloved but who no one knew was behind the smiles and the good deeds, he was actually a monster. according to more than a dozen
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boys, he routinely molested them for years. >> he had an outward appearance to make it hard to believe he did these things because whenever people saw him he would always be praying and rescuing children. >> he was just 11 when he said he began to get abused. this child was 14. >> he gave me a pill that made me fall asleep and when i woke up i found my pants covered in sperm. one night he took fransilian, one night he would take me. one night it could be anyone else. he always had a watch and he used the watch light to look for little kids to have sex with him. >> the boys say they didn't know what to do. they didn't want to return to the streets so they stayed silent for years. but in 2007, unable to stand it any longer, a few boys approached teachers and adults in town and told them what pearlitz did or either no one believed them or they didn't
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want to cross him. >> translator: the school became a business boon and to live well you needed to go through mr. douglas. >> some boys began to scrawl message on the school walls hoping to get someone's attention. >> on these walls are graffiti markings that have been painted over. the boys say the only way they got anybody to understand what was going on behind the walls was to write graffiti about what dowel pearlitz did to them. here's two words, a plea for help -- welcome, national police of haiti. the police, however, never came. finally, a local radio reporter saw the graffiti and told the kids he'd help. >> i told the boys i'll go to the end with you. are you ready? and they said no problem. >> reporter: he interviewed one of the kids on his radio show but at first, the haitian authorities and american donors refused to believe them. >> there was no way this man could have committed these
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things people were accusing him of. it seemed utterly out of the realm of possibility. there was too much goodness. the heart was too big. >> reporter: it wasn't until the spring of 2008 that an american volunteer discovered something was terribly wrong. brian russell got a call from the volunteer at the school. >> she related the story where one of our older boys had raped one of our younger boys. we have to do something. we can't have children raping each other and he said that's hard because douglas has been doing this for the last ten years. confronted he returned to the u.s. where a year later the u.s. immigration and customs' enforcement agents arrested him and charged him with abusing 18 younger boys and on his computer they found links to pornographic websites which according to websites said he showed one or more minors on his laptop
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computetory entice and persuade them to comply with the sex act. he initially refused to cooperate with the police but this past august, he struck a plea deal. admitting only that he had sex with eight minors and confessing he traveled from the u.s. to haiti to have sex which is just one of the 24 counts he originally faced. in a hand-written confession he wrote -- one of the dominant purposes of that trip was to engage in elicit sexual conduct with one of the minor boys. pearlitz faces up to 20 years in prison and will sentenced on tuesday. those who once supported him are still trying to understand how all this could have happened. >> you feel like you want to go hug those kids and save those kids and you can't. >> reporter: many of the kids are now young adults and view his limited confession some measure of justice. >> translator: for us this is a victory. because in the beginning doug denied it and said i was a liar and the boys were liars.
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i felt proud because everybody said i was lying but i knew i was telling the truth. >> >> reporter: for these young men the truth has come with a heavy price. the school is closed. the staff laid off. and they're back on the streets. the same streets where doug pearlitz found them so many years ago. cnn, cap haitian, haiti. coming up next which a special event in the sky will be starting in the next few hours. why is it so unique? we'll tell you ahead. and while lots of people are getting into the holiday spirit, is a christmas party really a good enough reason to miss work? apparently, this senator thought so and that's why he's on tonight's . in a business like ours, . personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with the farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. we've gone from being in 5 stores to 7,500.
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we have a new name to add to our rediculist. it goes to senator joe mansion of west virginia, a democrat elected last month to fill the remaining two years of senator robert byrd who died. rare restraint from north korea. the totalitarian regime did not retaliate following the live fire drill. and an american murdered in israel. authorities investigate whether the attack was nationalistic. the body was found on sunday after her coworkers stumbled, bound and bleeding into a picnic
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area. general motors is recycling 100 miles of plastic boons used to contain the oil spill. they will use roughly 100 pounds of the plastic in its chevy volt. and it will be a late night for star gazers. a lunar eclipse is set to begin at 1:33 this morning changing the full moon from a dramatic orange to red and then back again. and coincidentally, tonight, sanjay, also marks the winter solstice. this is like the super bowl for star gazers. this is a big deal. >> stay up and watch it. it doesn't happen very often. >> just a few more hours. we have a new name to add to our rediculist. it goes to senator joe manchin of west virginia, a democrat elected last month to fill the remaining two years of senator
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robert byrd who died. even though new we figured he'd still know to show up for work. the senate was in session on saturday trying to finish up some important unfinished business before the current congress wraps up at the end of the year and the new congress begins in january. among the important votes taken was the repeal of the pentagon's "dont ask, don't tell" policy which bars gay men and women from serving openly. the repeal passed by a wide margin. senators also voted down the dream act. immigration bill that didn't have enough support. senator manchin said he didn't support either measure but his votes were counted because, wait for it -- he wasn't in the senate chamber to cast them. he was at a family christmas party. his office called it a holiday gathering. he said he and his wife had planned the get together with children and grandchildren for more than a year since they won't be together on christmas day. a family obligation he couldn't break. he's been taking heat for missing the votes but defended himself today saying his views on both matters are well known. and that he made a commitment to